
Particle Network Wallet-as-a-Service

Particle Network is the Intent-Centric, Modular Access Layer of Web3. With Particle's Wallet-as-a-Service, developers can curate an Web2-like user experience through modular and customizable embedded wallet components. Using MPC-TSS for key management, Particle can streamline user onboarding via familiar Web2 accounts—such as Google accounts, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Particle Network's Wallet-as-a-Service supports PlatON Mainnet and Testnet through standard EOA-based social logins. Therefore, developers building on PlatON can natively leverage Particle Network for onboarding users into application-embedded wallets using social logins through various SDKs that are directly compatible with PlatON.

On this page, you'll find a high-level overview of the integration process, exploring the basics of leveraging Particle Network specifically on PlatON. A basic integration can be done in just a few lines of code; this document will go over such an example.

Integrating Particle Network's Wallet-as-a-Service on PlatON#

When it comes to implementing Particle Network's Wallet-as-a-Service within your application on PlatON, you have a few options. If you're building a mobile application, Particle Network has compatible Android, iOS, Flutter, Unity, React Native, and Cocos SDKs. Otherwise for Desktop (as is the focus in this example), Particle Network has a few primary libraries relevant to this example, they are as follows:

  • @particle-network/auth-core-modal, the primary SDK enabling integration of Particle's Wallet-as-a-Service, called "Particle Auth Core."
  • @particle-network/chains, an optional yet helpful library for specifically using PlatON within the former SDK.

To install these libraries, run one of the two following commands:

yarn add @particle-network/auth-core-modal @particle-network/chains
# OR
npm install @particle-network/auth-core-modal @particle-network/chains

Once you've installed these two libraries, you're ready to begin either integrating Particle Network within your existing application, or building a new application leveraging Particle Network. For this tutorial, we'll build a basic React application showcasing the social login functionality. To do this, we can start with the following:

  1. Configure Particle Auth Core (@particle-network/auth-core-modal) within index.ts or an adjacent file. To start building this example application, you'll need to configure Particle Auth Core (the primary library driving integration). This is done primarily through an object called AuthCoreContextProvider which should wrap your main App component (or it's equivalent in your project; where you intend on using Particle Auth Core). After importing AuthCoreContextProvider from @particle-network/auth-core-modal and opening the options parameter (as is shown below), you'll need to set the following parameter:
  • projectId, clientKey, and appId. Each of these values are required for the initialization of Particle Auth Core as they fundamentally link your project with the Particle dashboard. Thus, to retrieve these values, sign up and create a project on the aforementioned dashboard. Within this project, create a new application (A web app in this case), then copy the Project ID, Client Key, and App ID to be used within their associated parameters.

Beyond your projectId, clientKey, and appId, there are numerous optional parameters to further configure the modal.

import React from 'react'import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'import { PlatON } from '@particle-network/chains';import { AuthCoreContextProvider, PromptSettingType } from '@particle-network/auth-core-modal';import App from './App'
ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement).render(  <React.StrictMode>    <AuthCoreContextProvider      options={{        projectId: process.env.REACT_APP_PROJECT_ID,        clientKey: process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_KEY,        appId: process.env.REACT_APP_APP_ID,        themeType: 'dark', // Optional        fiatCoin: 'USD', // Optional        language: 'en', // Optional        promptSettingConfig: { // Optional, determines the security settings that a user has to configure          promptPaymentPasswordSettingWhenSign: PromptSettingType.first,          promptMasterPasswordSettingWhenLogin: PromptSettingType.first,        },        wallet: { // Optional, streamlines the wallet modal popup          visible: true, // Displays an embedded wallet popup on the bottom right of the screen after login          customStyle: {            supportChains: [PlatON],          }        },      }}    >    <App />      </AuthCoreContextProvider>  </React.StrictMode>)
  1. Setup various hooks within your primary App component (or it's equivalent). With Particle Auth Core configured (through your index.ts file), you're ready to begin using the SDK and facilitating social login within your main App component, or whichever file you intend on using Particle Auth within (which should be the same file specified within index.ts, in the example above it was App). Specifically for this example, you can import useEthereum, useConnect, and useAuthCore from @particle-network/auth-core-modal.
  • useConnect will facilitate social login, providing functions such as connect and disconnect.
  • useEthereum will enable address retrieval, EIP-1193 provider construction (for using Particle with Ethers, Web3.js, viem), etc.
  • useAuthCore will allow you to retrieve account information from users after they've logged in with their social account (such as their linked email). For a full list of hooks, take a look at the Particle Auth Core documentation.

An example of using each of these hooks in tandem with one another to facilitate social login and execute a sample transaction on PlatON has been included below.

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useEthereum, useConnect, useAuthCore } from '@particle-network/auth-core-modal';import { PlatON } from '@particle-network/chains';
import { ethers } from 'ethers';import { notification } from 'antd';
import './App.css';
const App = () => {  const { provider } = useEthereum();  const { connect, disconnect } = useConnect();  const { userInfo } = useAuthCore();
  const [balance, setBalance] = useState(null);
  const customProvider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(provider, "any");
  useEffect(() => {    if (userInfo) {      fetchBalance();    }  }, [userInfo]);
  const fetchBalance = async () => {    const balanceResponse = await customProvider.getBalance(await customProvider.getSigner().getAddress());
    setBalance(ethers.utils.formatEther(balanceResponse));  }
  // Upon calling, the user will be prompted to login with their social account according to authType  const handleLogin = async (authType) => {    if (!userInfo) {      await connect({        socialType: authType,        chain: PlatON,      });    }  };
  // The user will be required to click on an application-embedded confirmation popup, after which this transaction will be sent.  const executeTx = async () => {    const signer = customProvider.getSigner();    console.log(await signer.getAddress())

    const tx = {      to: "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000dEAD0",      value: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001")    };
    const txResponse = await signer.sendTransaction(tx);    const txReceipt = await txResponse.wait();
    notification.success({      message: txReceipt.transactionHash    })  };
  return (    <div className="App">      {!userInfo ? (        <div className="login-section">          <button className="sign-button" onClick={() => handleLogin('google')}>Sign in with Google</button>          <button className="sign-button" onClick={() => handleLogin('twitter')}>Sign in with Twitter</button>        </div>      ) : (        <div className="profile-card">          <h2>{userInfo.name}</h2>          <div className="balance-section">            <small>{balance} LAT</small>            <button className="sign-message-button" onClick={executeTx}>Execute Transaction</button>            <button className="disconnect-button" onClick={() => disconnect()}>Logout</button>          </div>        </div>      )}    </div>  );};
export default App;

Thus, Particle Network's Wallet-as-a-Service can be plugged in and used as you would any other standard wallet on PlatON, enabling social logins in just a few lines of code.

Learn More#