Run a dev node
This guide demonstrates how to install the PlatON Node software on Linux.
System Requirements- Server: Server and backup server running PlatON software (both have a firewall)
- Memory: 8GB RAM
- Local storage: 100GB system disk, 200GB data disk (can be expanded online)
- Processor: 64-bit 4 cores (each core above 2.4 GHz)
- Bandwidth: 5 MB/sec (can be expanded online)
Installation OverviewIt takes three or four steps to install a new node, which depends on the operating system used. The detailed procedures are list below.
- Installing on Ubuntu (18.04)
Note: Use the normal user to execute the following command.
Installing on Ubuntu (18.04)#
Install and run NTP service#
Open a terminal and run the following commandssudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get install -y gnupg2 curl software-properties-common ntp &&sudo systemctl enable ntp && sudo systemctl start ntp
NTP service is used for time synchronization, incorrect system time will affect the normal operation of PlatON
Validate the NTP time synchronizationntpq -4c rv | grep leap_none
Display associd=0 status=0615 leap_none, sync_ntp, 1 event, clock_sync, where
is red, indicating that the NTP time synchronization is normal.
Install PlatONdevnet2:
sudo wget -O /usr/bin/platonsudo wget -O /usr/bin/platonkey
Granting executable permissions to files
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/platon /usr/bin/platonkeyplaton version
After executing the commands above, platon
and platonkey
binary should be successfully installed in the /usr/bin
directory on your system. You can execute corresponding commands in any directory.
Generate keys#
Public and private keysEach node in the network has an unique identity to distinguish it from others. This identity is a public and private key pair, generated in the node's working directory ( ~/platon-node
) by the following command:
mkdir -p ~/platon-node/data && platonkey genkeypair | tee >(grep "PrivateKey" | awk '{print $2}' > ~/platon-node/data/nodekey) >(grep "PublicKey" | awk '{print $3}' > ~/platon-node/data/nodeid)
Displays the following, indicating that the key pair has been successfully generated (x stands for number or letter) :
PrivateKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PublicKey: : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
is the private key of the node, and PublicKey
is the public key of the node. The public key is used to identify the identity of the node and can be made public.
Two files will be generated in the subdirectory data
under the working directory of the node:
- nodeid: node public key (ID) file, which holds the node's public key
- nodekey: node private key file, which holds the node's private key
BLS public and private keyIn addition to the public and private keys of the node, the PlatON node also needs a key pair called the BLS public and private key. This key pair will be used in the consensus protocol. The key pair can be generated in the node's working directory (such as ~/platon-node
) by the following command:
mkdir -p ~/platon-node/data && platonkey genblskeypair | tee >(grep "PrivateKey" | awk '{print $2}' > ~/platon-node/data/blskey) >(grep "PublicKey" | awk '{print $3}' > ~/platon-node/data/blspub)
PrivateKey: f22a785c80bd1095beff1f356811268eae6c94abf0b2b4e2d64918957b74783e PublicKey : 4bf873a66df92ada50a8c6bacb132ffd63437bcde7fd338d2d8696170034a6332e404ac3abb50326ee517ec5f63caf12891ce794ed14f8528fa7c54bc0ded7c5291f708116bb8ee8adadf1e88588866325d764230f4a45929d267a9e8f264402
is the BLS private key of the node, and PublicKey
is the BLS public key of the node. The BLS public key is used to quickly verify the signature in the consensus protocol and can be published. The BLS private key cannot be made public and needs to be backed up.
Two files will be generated in the subdirectory data
under the working directory of the node:
blspub: Node BLS public key file, which holds the node's BLS public key
blskey: Node BLS private key file, which holds the node's BLS private key
Join the PlatON development networkThe PlatON devnet2's Chainid is 2206132, which was launched on June 13, 2022.
This section assumes that the server is Ubuntu 18.04, and the working directory of the executable file is ~/platon-node
. Note that all subsequent commands should be run under the same working directory.
cd ~/platon-node
Join the PlatON development NetworkThe development network provides a development test environment for the developer or node.There may be instability and a network reset.The current version of the development network is 1.3.0.
Develop network related resources
platon: devnet2:
platonkey: devnet2:
mtool windows:
mtool linux:
You need to change the chain ID in the configuration file to the development network 2 chain ID: 2206132;
Open the RPC URL: or wss://
development network 2 Scan Browser Address:
Initialize the genesis blockSave the genesis block file
Save the following to the genesis.json file:
cd ~/platon-node && wget
Initialize the genesis block file
Executive command:
cd ~/platon-node && platon --datadir ./data init genesis.json
A prompt for
Successfully wrote genesis state
indicates that the initialization creation information is complete.
Start as a validator nodePlease refer to Install node section to create a nodekey: nodekey, blskey, and then execute the following command to start the verification node to join the PlatON development network;If you need to become a verification node, please apply for a large test LAT by following instructions (the development network will be reset irregularly according to the test needs, and the LAT of the develop network has no practical value).
cd ~/platon-node/ && nohup platon --identity platon-node --datadir ./data --port 16789 --http.port 6789 --http.api "db,platon,net,web3,admin,personal" --http --nodekey ./data/nodekey --cbft.blskey ./data/blskey --verbosity 1 --http.addr --bootnodes enode:// --syncmode "fast" > ./data/platon.log 2>&1 &
Parameters | Description |
--identity | Specify the network name |
--datadir | Specify the data directory path |
--port | Specifying the P2P protocol communication port |
--http.addr | Specify rpc server address |
--http.port | Specifying the RPC protocol communication port |
--http.api | Specify the rpcapi name open by the node |
--http | Specify http-rpc communication method |
--nodekey | Specify the node private key file |
--cbft.blskey | Specify the node bls private key file |
--verbosity | The level of logging, 0: CRIT; 1: ERROR; 2: WARN; 3: INFO; 4: DEBUG; 5: TRACE |
--syncmode | fast: Fast synchronization mode, full: All synchronous mode |
--db.nogc | Enable archive mode, when this switch is turned on, the garbage collection mechanism will no longer work, so the CPU overhead will be reduced and the corresponding disk overhead will be increased |
See more parameters with the command platon --help
OtherIf you need to receive large amount of test LAT, please send an email to according to the format requirements. The email requirements are:
Title: PlatON Develop Network Token ApplicationName:Contact Information:WeChat ID (or other instant messaging software) :Application amount:USES:Receipt account:Remark:
View node statusWhen PlatON is successfully started, under normal circumstances, it will automatically establish a connection with the node closest to it through the node discovery protocol. After the connection is successful, block synchronization will be started. You can determine whether joining the network successfully by looking at the peers of the node and confirming whether the block height of the node is increasing.
If the key is not generated in advance, the node is automatically generated in the node's data directory at startup. If it is automatically generated, only the node private key and BLS private key will be generated, and the relevant public key will not be automatically generated.
Enter platon attach http://localhost:6789
Welcome to the Platon JavaScript Console!
Relevant information, indicating successful access to the console, otherwise it will be deemed as failure to access the console, if there is any problem, you can contact the official customer service personnel.
View peers of a nodeView the connection node information by executing the following command in the Platon console.
If the related Peers information is printed, it means that the connected node is successful, as follows:
[{ caps: ["cbft/1", "platon/63"], id: "c72a4d2cb8228ca6f9072daa66566bcafa17bec6a9e53765c85c389434488c393357c5c7c5d18cf9b26ceda46aca4da20755cd01bcc1478fff891a201042ba84", name: "PlatONnetwork/alaya-", network: { consensus: false, inbound: false, localAddress: "", remoteAddress: "", static: false, trusted: false }, protocols: { cbft: { commitBn: 1404934, highestQCBn: 1407304, lockedBn: 1404935, protocolVersion: 1 }, platon: { head: "0xf31395262f876935c94e33b1d9f3314b2cb6effc33fcffa3b17b725678fd525f", number: 1407295, version: 63 } } }
If the printed information is empty, it means that the connection node failed. If there is any problem, you can contact the official customer service personnel.
View the current block heightView the block height of the current node by executing the following command in the Platon console.
Execute this command several times, if the block height value increases continuously, then the connection is successful;
If it is a new node and the block height is always 0, it means that the node is in the synchronous block and there may be delay. You can use the command:
is printed, the node is not in a synchronous block state.If the following message is printed, the node is in a synchronous block state;
{ currentBlock: 1412416, highestBlock: 1416699, knownStates: 522, pulledStates: 522, startingBlock: 1408247}
Exit consoleType Exit to exit the console.
Upgrade to Validator NodePlatON is a blockchain project that implements democratic governance. Verification nodes are jointly selected by all LAT holders to maintain and develop the PlatON network. The 201 nodes with the most votes will become candidate nodes, from which 43 verification nodes will be randomly selected using VRF to participate in the management of the entire PlatON network.
This section describes how to operate as a validator node.
Install PlatON MToolProceed as follows:
Step1. Download PlatON MTool toolkit
cd ~ && wget
Step2. Extract the PlatON MTool toolkit
(if ! command -v unzip;then sudo apt install unzip; fi;) && unzip && cd platon_mtool
Step3. Download script
The script is downloaded to the platon_mtool directory, otherwise the script cannot find the path of the new version of mtool.
Step4. Execute command
chmod +x && ./
- When the message Install platon mtool succeed. is displayed, PlatON MTool is successfully installed. If it is not successfully installed, please contact our official customer service to provide feedback on specific issues.
Step5. Restart the session window
After installation is complete, you need to restart the session window (do not restart the server, close the session window or SSH tool to reopen the window) for the newly added environment variables to take effect.
Configure PlatON MTool#
Generate walletTo participate in the verification node to produce blocks, two wallets must be created. If you want to create a node using an existing wallet, rename the wallet file for the mortgaging account to staking.json
, rename the wallet file for the income account to reward.json
, and copy the wallet file to the $PLATON_MTOOLDIR/keystore
directory to skip this step.
- Staking wallet: The staking wallet is used to stake tokens. To become a candidate node, you must stake successfully. Run the following command to create a staking wallet:
platon_mtool account new staking
Enter the password once and confirm the password again to create a wallet file. After the creation is successful, a staking wallet file staking.json
will be generated in the directory $PLATON_MTOOLDIR/keystore
- Reward wallet: It is used to collect block rewards and staking rewards. Staking rewards are uniformly distributed to verification nodes, which are distributed by the verification nodes themselves. Run the following command to create a reward wallet
platon_mtool account new reward
Enter the password once and confirm the password again to create the wallet file. After the creation is successful, the staking wallet file reward.json
will be generated in the directory $PLATON_MTOOLDIR/keystore
Update config.propertiesIf you want to run mtool on the development network 2, change the chain ID in the file to 2206132;
Configure verification node information#
Download the scriptcd $PLATON_MTOOLDIR && wget
Run the script configurationchmod +x && ./
- When the prompt shows "Please enter the platon node IP address:", please enter the PlatON node server ip address.
- When the prompt shows "validator conf success", and when the validator_config.json content printed at the end is normal, it means that the script is executed successfully. If the script is not executed successfully, please contact our official customer service to feedback specific questions.
Validator node information configuration file descriptionAfter the configuration of the validator node information is completed, the validator node information file validator_config.json will be generated in the validator subdirectory of the PlatON MTool installation directory. The file content is as follows:
{ "nodePublicKey": "0abaf3219f454f3d07b6cbcf3c10b6b4ccf605202868e2043b6f5db12b745df0604ef01ef4cb523adc6d9e14b83a76dd09f862e3fe77205d8ac83df707969b47", "blsPubKey": "82d740cbc0314ec558c5426f88fdad6f07a07f9846c6be4e40cd628b74b9f641ddad01e4c281a2c3693f8ff2a73a410297aff379ee0575127d51de99b97acc9a1b7bc8ca132ef6f0379a3ec9d76a603d623176e49e1c53e87fead36317895099", "nodeAddress": "", "nodePort": "16789", "nodeRpcPort": "6789"}
Parameter description:
- nodePublicKey: Node ID, which can be viewed in the nodeid file under the node data directory data
- blsPubKey: BLS public key, which can be viewed in the blspub file under the node data directory data.
- nodeAddress: If PlatON MTool and the node are on the same machine or in the same local area network, you can use the intranet IP, otherwise use the public IP whose format is:
.- nodePort: Node P2P port, default is 16789.
- nodeRpcPort: rpc port, the default port is 6789.
Custom PlatScan avatarIf users do not need to display their specified avatar on PlatScan, they can skip this step. Otherwise, the following operations are required:
Register a keybase account
Users first need to register on the official website of . If they have already registered, they can log on the official website of keybase.
Upload specified avatar
Click the user avatar to upload the avatar.
Generate PGP key
If the user has a
PGP key
, after a successful login, a series of 16-bit public keys will be displayed next to the user's avatar, such as:EB621920A48D0699
; if the user does not already have aPGP key
, clickadd a PGP key
next to the user's avatar to generate.Specify the externalId value
When issuing the staking operation, specify the
parameter to be the PGP key generated in the previous step.
Note: After the user completes the staking operation, the avatar customized by the user can be displayed on PlatScan.
Initiate a staking operationIf the consensus node deployment is complete and is catching up the blocknumber of Platscan, you can use PlatON MTool for staking operations. Please ensure that the balance of the staking account is sufficient before staking. The minimum threshold for staking is one hundred thousand LAT. If you want to access the development network, please send an email to according to the format requirements. The email requirements are:
Title: Platon Development Network Token ApplicationName:Contact Information:WeChat ID (or other instant messaging software) :Application amount:USES:Receipt account:Remark:
Testing LAT has no value and is limited to experiencing test network features.
Please keep at least 1 LAT in the staking account, so that the transactions initiated by the subsequent node management have sufficient transaction fees, such as voting for upgrade proposals, and unsecured transactions.
Excuting command
platon_mtool staking --config $PLATON_MTOOLDIR/validator/validator_config.json --keystore $PLATON_MTOOLDIR/keystore/staking.json --autoamount 100000 --benefit_address xxx196278ns22j23awdfj9f2d4vz0pedld8a2fzwwj --delegated_reward_rate 5000 --node_name myNode --website --details myNodeDescription --external_id 121412312
Enter the password of the staking wallet and press Enter. If the following information is displayed, the staking is successful:
operation finishedtransaction hash:0x89b964d27d0caf1d8bf268f721eb123c4af57aed36187bea90b262f4769eeb9bSUCCESS
Parameter description:
- config:node configuration file
- keystore: staking wallet file
- amount: staking amount, not less than 100000LAT-staking threshold, no more than 8 decimal places
- restrictedamount: not less than 100000LAT - staking threshold, no more than 8 decimal points (staking using locked balance)
- autoamount: Not less than 10000LAT-Priority to use the lock-up balance staking, if the lock-up balance is not enough for the staking deposit, then use free amount staking
- benefit_address: benefit account to receive block-packing reward and staking reward
- delegated_reward_rate:Delegated bonus ratio, type is integer range is [0,10000], unit: ten thousand percent, e.g. enter 5000, it means the bonus ratio is 50%
- nodename:node name,30 bytes(beginning with a letter, including alphabet, number, space, , -, #)
- website:node website, 30 bytes
- details:node description, 280 bytes
- external_id:node Icon ID of, or identity authentication ID